Most people are looking for a quick fix to having six-pack abs, and you might be one of them. But before you resign yourself to crunches and sit-ups for the rest of your life, stop. There is no way to get a six-pack without being genetically blessed with a low body fat percentage or spending hours in the gym, so it’s time to face reality.
The best thing you can do is engage in muscle-strengthening exercises and learn how different foods affect your body. By doing so, you’ll be able to burn off fat instead of storing it in your gut like a dying whale. However, if you’re interested in the benefits of some full-body workouts, check out the following cardio exercises to get a six-pack.
Slow Jogging
This is such a simple yet effective cardio exercise. Start by slowly jogging at a comfortable pace for 20 to 60 minutes. Add a few more miles to your run if your routine doesn’t give you sore muscles by the end of it. Make sure your running shoes are well-ventilated, which will help you sweat and shed pounds.
Swimming is a great full-body workout, so it’s obvious why people would be interested in swimming as a way to get that six-pack. It is an ideal cardio exercise for beginner swimmers who want to burn lots of fat and want a trim lower body.
Cycling is another alternative for those who don’t have access to a swimming pool or want to try something new. It may not be as great as swimming or jogging when it comes to shedding pounds, but it’s great for cardio and toning up the lower body. 30 minutes per day should suffice if you’re on a tight schedule; just make sure you have a comfortable bike seat and good ventilation if you plan indoors.
Weight Training
Weight training is one of the best ways to get a six-pack; it can help strengthen your core and lower body. By doing so, you’ll be able to burn more calories, tone up and have a better posture (which is good for the overall health of your back). The key here is consistency. Do at least three sets of 8-15 repetitions for every set, and give yourself a day off every week.
Final Thoughts
Try to get at least 30 minutes of daily cardio if you’re on a tight schedule. You don’t want to overwork your body, so it’s best to start with low-intensity workouts and work your way up as you get more comfortable. Ideally, you’ll want to do cardio in the morning or evening so you can burn more calories throughout the day.
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