Legs Should Not Be Ignored
It is easy for us to focus on muscles that are more noticeable to others and in the mirror. These “mirror muscles” are your arms, chest and core. When showing off, how often do you lower your pants and flex your legs? Putting that aside, you are making a huge mistake by not focusing on your legs. Just because they are not as noticeable they should not be ignored. Think about it, your legs are half of your body. Your legs have the largest muscles in your entire body and they must be trained with heavy weight sessions. Yes, you will be sore and energy depleted but it’s all worth it. I know motivation plays a key role in working out so I am here to give you 10 reasons to never ever skip leg day.
1. Burn more calories
Whether your goal is to lose weight or not, working out legs burns more calories. Leg exercises require a lot of effort from your body burning more energy.
2. Increase your metabolism
Your metabolism will automatically increase by keeping up with your leg workouts and building more muscle. More muscle means more energy required by your body, burning those extra calories.
3. Increase overall muscle
It has been scientifically proven that working out legs doing squats and deadlifts will increase your overall growth hormone/testosterone.
4. Bigger upper body
Standing leg exercises will target other upper body muscles as secondary. That along with increased growth hormone and testosterone will do the trick.
5. More strength
Squats and deadlifts are major strength exercises. The stronger your legs get the more you will lift. These power exercises will provide you will overall body strength including your core.
6. Better symmetry
Having a big upper body and skinny legs will make you look rather ridiculous. Don’t we all workout to stay healthy and look good? Symmetry is important and working out legs is half of it.
7. Reduces injury
By working out legs you are also strengthening your core muscles. You will become less likely to suffer from lower back pain, pulling a hamstring or tearing your hip flexor.
8. Better athletic performance and balance
Nearly every sport uses legs in one way or another. Strong legs will definitely give you that competitive advantage over your opponent. Standing leg exercises will help you develop better stability making you less likely to fall.
9. You can have a bigger meal after
After a heavy leg workout your body will be completely depleted of energy and calories. This is the time to have a bigger meal to make sure you help heal those muscles. It also gives you the opportunity to eat a little more than other days.
10. Become more efficient doing everyday tasks
Without realizing you are constantly using your leg muscles. Whether you are carrying groceries or lifting boxes or doing work around the house you are working out your legs. The stronger your legs become the more efficient you will be doing these everyday tasks.
Bottom Line
At the end of the day you cannot build a strong structure with a weak foundation. Your legs are the foundation to your entire body and working them out should be your priority. I know those recovery sessions after heavy leg workouts can be draining. It’s important to always keep all these reasons and benefits in mind to stay focused. You know what they say, friends don’t let friends skip leg day. The benefits far exceed any of the cons that you might have in your head.
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21 Comments on "10 Reasons To Never Ever Skip Leg Day"
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This is absolutely 100% true. Legs are very important. If you skip legs your body won’t look proportioned with the rest of your body. So homies don’t skip leg day or you will look super dumb.
I couldn’t agree more.
Legs is a must to get big and ripped. Don’t complain why ur still not getting as big as u want if ur not doing legs
Besides skipping legs and only doing good upper body you are going to look stupid.
Amen to that!
Don’t want to look like a watermelon with skinny legs.
Agree 100%. Too many guys out there that look like this because the only worried about upper body
I hate working out, I rather watch what I eat and just play sports.
Lol working out is good for you too
The only time I’ve been able to maintain healthy weight is when I’m incredibly active with legs at the gym for a consistent time frame.
Really informative I never knew there were so many benefits working out legs
Yup there is. Now you know so that way you never skip legs.
Thanks for reminding everyone.
Sometimes we all.just need a little reminder right.
Lightweight…..go hard or go home.
I couldn’t agree more with you.
That’s the one and only Tom Platz. Crazy leg muscles and workouts.
Everyone should be hitting legs twice as hard as any other muscle.
Yes! That’s one of the muscles we use the most and use everyday too.
Look at that bar bending…agree 100% with this post.
Awesome post! Love it. A lot of people tend to skip leg days and not work then out seriously.