Moments That Boil Your Blood In Online Games
Online gaming has gotten really competitive in the last decade. For many gamers online, having fun is just a small portion of the reason why we play. For a lot of people, they want to be the absolute best and dominate their rivals. With the rise of large-scale tournaments, Twitch TV, and youtube channels, many young gamers are taking online gaming very seriously. But even us casual gamers can occasionally freak out at the stupidity we witness at sometimes. Nothing sucks more than dropping to Bronze 5 in Heroes of the Storm because you keep getting paired up with teammates that refuse to do the objective. Nevertheless, we carry on and keep on marching hoping that things will change even when they rarely do. Below we go over some of the most annoying things that can possibly happen to you during popular online games. Let us know in the comments below some of the other worst feelings you’ve experienced in games.
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It sucks to play with noobs, but also being a noob at a new game is tough as well as you want to do good but know it takes time to be great.
This is why some games dont have voice chat because people would be screaming non stop
Make your blood boil is an understatement…more like wanna punch through the monitor most of the time.
Hackers did ruin COD for everyone
I remember playing Warcraft and Starcraft and getting rushed by workers….how frustrating. That was the ultimate insult.
Some gamers just play for fun and not to win which sucks for everyone who actually likes to win.
You are right on the money….CS was ran by Russians at one point. Too funny
Depending on strangers is the worst. That’s why I love Madden & 2K – if youre good, you win!
COD hackers ruined the game for everyone. It still amazes me how they couldnt get it under control
Thats one of the biggest downfalls of Heroes Of The Storm…..you rely too much on teammates unlike League Of Legends and DOTA 2 where you can carry the team.