February 23, 2025


Junkrat For The Win

Junkrat is one explosives obsessed maniac who just loves to blow things up even after his death. He is also one of the best defense characters in Overwatch. He alone can make the difference between winning or losing. Let me say that at first I did not like to play Junkrat. Bro was I wrong! I did not understand how to use his traps, explosives and epic frag launcher. With the right placement and combos he has one of the most damage outputs in the game. Check this out.


Junkrat uses a Steel Trap to lock his opponents in place. The trap has a 1 meter radius, 1 second stunt and 3 second root. It does 80 damage by itself. Once the opponent is rooted you can easily hit your target. The Steel Trap is good by itself but when combined with the Concussion Mine it is lethal. The Concussion Mine has a 3 meter radius and does 120 damage. Both abilities combined do a total of 200 damage enough to kill some opponents one shot. The Concussion Mine can also be used as a booster to get to higher ground. Simply drop the mine on the floor and once you run past it detonate it. It is all about timing. I also use it to blow up opponents who try to rush me. Just quickly throw it forward and detonate it.

Junkrat’s main weapon is the Frag Launcher. This powerful weapon has splash damage up to a 2 meter radius. Although it has a slow firing rate at 1.66 per shot the 120 damage per grenade makes up for it. The Frag Launcher can shoot up to 5 grenades before it reloads. This is the weapon that took me a while to perfect. The grenades don’t shoot far so you must aim higher to bounce the grenades to the target before they explode. If you hit the target directly the grenades will instantly explode. Using the Frag Launcher against Pharah can be hard making her one of his counters. Winston can also pose a threat by quickly closing in. Other far distance shooters can also be hard for Junkrat the kill. The further the opponent the harder it becomes to land those grenades.

Ultimate and After Death

RIP-tire is Junkrat’s ultimate. He revs up a tire bomb that you can control and detonate it once you reach your opponents destination. The RIP-tire does a crazy 600 damage with a 10 meter radius. The only downfall is that the tire has 100 health and can be destroyed by your opponents. You also have a total of 10 second to reach your destination before it explodes on its own. Junkrat has one final trick up his sleeve called Total Mayhem. When Junkrat is killed he drops 5 grenades doing 60 damage per grenade as splash damage. Even after his death this explosives maniac can kill opponents. Junkrat has become on of my main defense character choices for almost every map.

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7 Comments on "Overwatch – “Fire In The Hole!”"

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This guy is funny


Playing against a good Junkrat can suck


I’ve been playing Junkrat and he’s badass. He’s got an awesome Jester skin.


Junkrat is amazing at defense


Junkrat is brain dead, no skills and you end up with gold medal in damage every time


Junkrat gets a lot of flak for being an “easy character” but when my team has been struggling on attack or defense, junkrat provides a killer boost that gets the team going.


Don’t play this game but this character seems pretty cool with all those abilities
