February 23, 2025


Previous Releases

Three years ago, EA launched Battlefield 4 as the follow up for the highly acclaimed Battlefield 3. It was a major home run and won tons of awards and was admired by many. During this span we have had a handful of Call of Duty games release to the public. Fans of the Battlefield franchise have been left with an itch after Hardline was released last year. It was a new approach that hoped to spice things up in the FPS market but ultimately, it didn’t quite hit the mark the way it intended to. Cops and robbers took them back to the drawing board. A few weeks ago EA announced their EPIC release for 2016, in which they took a few steps back in order to go forward. Battlefield 1 is the newest title in the franchise’s lineup.

Promising Comeback

Battlefield 1 takes place in alternate history World War I. This is uncharted territory in the FPS genre. The game seems refreshing. Weapons are older yet powerful. Horses carrying calvary soldiers with swords marching through the fields. Biplanes dominating the airs while antique tanks conquer the ground. Oddly shaped grenades with spikes on them for melee attacks. We even some some action that involved flame throwers, a personal favorite and throwback to a diabolic device used in warfare in the early 20th century. It even appears there are zeppelins in the air, although we are not sure if they can be used in multiplayer. The trailer was a thing of beauty and did not disappoint.

CoD vs Battlefield

Judging by comments online, it would appear the majority of gamers are excited about all these new changes. On the other hand, Call of Duty Infinity Warfare has been getting some pretty negative feedback, with yet an even deeper involvement in future warfare. I am personally excited for October, at a chance to join fellow bros in the trenches. Large 32 vs 32 battles with arcadic weapons, the ability to use ground vehicles & planes, with an environment that can be altered. This is ridiculously entertaining and much more versatile than what Call of Duty has to offer. 

Judging From Experience

In the coming weeks we will see more gameplay footage released and will get a better idea of how the game’s multiplayer will look like. Of course we could expect the usual from EA, the first week or so will be tremendously unstable with connectivity and lag until they polish out some bugs. There will be missing content that will be available via four different DLC’s release throughout the year that will probably hike the total price of the game up to $120 for the full experience. But if you are willing to forgive all these faults, in return, you will get a premium AAA experience that took a lot of effort and huge budget to put together. The Bro Talk will be looking towards building a clan online once the October launch comes around. Keep toned for future announcements in assembling a potential powerhouse clan that will dominate online play.

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5 Comments on "Battlefield 1 – A Breath of Fresh Air"

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This game looks amazing … love the Battlefield franchise


Yeah Cod has also tanked for me big time. Mostly play Over watch until this gem comes out.


As a personal CoD fan I am still looking forward to this game because quite frankly CoD has tanked in the last couple years. The obsessive need to go further into the future has really turned away fans and BF1 seems like it actually listened to its fanbase, however because EA is making this game, who knows how much it’ll be.


BF1 has killed CoD this time around.


Can’t wait for this game….
