March 10, 2025

The great success of the “Watchmen” HBO miniseries has left many fans of that fictional universe if a continuation could be on the horizon, and the answer from the production team thus far suggests that this may not be the case. The executive creator and lead writer Damon Lindelof has given quite a few interviews in this regard, and he has repeated his position on the matter: He is all out of ideas to continue working on “Watchmen.”

Although Lindelof has not completely answered negatively, he has emphasized that he never approached the miniseries with the idea of going beyond the episodes broadcast in 2019. HBO has been pleased with the ratings and critical acclaim, but executives realize that expansion would mean relying on Lindelof, and they believe him when he says that he has fired every round from his creative cartridge; however, he is not the only option that they may have. As is often the case in Hollywood, multiple pitches are probably being made to HBO on a weekly basis, but there are many issues to consider.

Since HBO and Warner Brothers did not expect such a resounding success with this series, the studio did not make a move in relation to securing the cast. Regina King, for example, is directing a film project that she had in mind for years, and she would be crucial to any future “Watchmen” productions because of the cliffhanger ending of the 2019 series. It is unclear whether Sister Night, the masked vigilante portrayed by King, absorbed the powers of Dr. Manhattan, the only superhuman in the “Watchmen” universe, which dates back to a graphic novel originally published in the late 1980s.

Various news reports have hinted at the contracts that HBO secured with some of the “Watchmen” actors, and there may be juicy bonuses involved for an ongoing series. With the backing of Warner Brothers, being able to secure a cast will not be a problem in terms of salaries, but there is the more delicate matter of getting the writing team that Lindelof put together. Not surprisingly, other production teams snapped up “Watchmen” writers the moment the series started; getting these creators back together will be trickier, particularly if they feel that they have exhausted their best ideas.

As of February 2020, the best hope for a “Watchmen” continuation would be to wait a few years; after all, this is how Lindelof likes to work. What fans should be aware of is that Lindelof seems to be in love with “Watchmen,” and this means that it will remain on his mind.

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