January 22, 2025

https://www.instagram.com/p/BK82AJ4A_MS/?taken-by=michaelbjordan Credit: Michael B. Jordan/Instagram


“Black Panther” is now in theaters. One of the things that fans will notice is how toned Michael B. Jordan is. He was already in shape because of his role in “Creed.” However, he improved his fitness when he started working on “Black Panther.” Corey Calliet, who is a celebrity trainer, described Michael’s rigorous training regimen.

Corey stated that he wanted people to be afraid when they looked at Michael B. Jordan’s character. He stated that toning a body is a lot like sculpting a work of art. Michael worked out two or three times per day in order to achieve his goal. He also ate six meals per day.

Corey had Michael doing a lot of weight training such as deadlifts, lat pulldowns, bench presses and bicep curls. He stated that Michael underwent a drastic change when he was working out. When Michael first started working out, he could barely lift 25 dumbbells. He was eventually able to bench press 315 pounds.

Michael got up to nearly 200 pounds while he was training for the film. Corey has some tips for people who are trying to get their bodies in shape. He stated that it is important to have a good diet. He also stated that you need to make sure that you actually work out when you go to the gym. Many people will go the gym and post a picture of social media, but they do not really work out.

Corey has seen “Black Panther” four times already. He is planning on seeing it again. He stated that the fight scene between Chadwick Boseman and Michael B. Jordan is one of the best parts of the movie. Chadwick Boseman plays the Black Panther. Corey stated that fans will be amazed when they see Michael B. Jordan’s toned body.


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