February 23, 2025


The Philadelphia Experiment

Everyone has heard the common saying “Desperate times call for desperate measures”. Lets go back in time to October of 1943 where it all began. The United States is in the thick of World War II. They are fighting two wars on two different fronts. The Germans and Italians in the Atlantic front. Then Japan in the Pacific. American scientists are trying to make their ships invisible to German U-Boats and Japanese Destroyers. Something is about to go down that changes physics as we know it. The USS Eldridge is docked at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. Without the knowledge of the crew, the ship is zapped with incredibly high levels of electro magnetic energy. It is believed the ship temporarily disappeared from the shipyard in Philly and appeared momentarily in Norfolk, Virginia. Witnesses include the crew of the USS Andrew Furuseth, which claims to have seen the USS Eldridge. When the ship reappears in Philly, members of the crew are found fused into metal parts of the ship. Surviving members were are mentally damaged and severely sick. The military immediately covers this up and claims it never occurred although many viewed the blue light and saw the ship vanish with their own eyes.


Camp Hero in Long Island

After the events of the Philadelphia Experiment, Congress was unwilling to fund any further research. This led the United States to create a special under ground base at the abandoned Air Force Station named Camp Hero, in Long Island, New York. The site was constructed in the 1960’s and by the 1970’s the most diverse and bizarre experiments ever conducted had occurred here. It is largely believed that many young men were kidnapped to be experimented on. This included being strapped to special metal chairs and bombarded with immense energy waves. The goal of the research was to master mind control to use against the Soviet Union during the Cold War. However scientists shortly discovered that the subjects under intense concentration, could be manipulated to physically materialize subjects that they had in their own mind into the real world. As the research yielded results at the expense of the test subjects, scientists kept pressing on…perhaps a bit too far.


Ripple In Time Space in 1983

The Montauk Project was immediately shut down in 1983 after it is believed that wormholes had been opened underneath Camp Hero. The very idea of time travel was being pushed to it’s very limit. Some conspiracy theorist believed that children were kidnapped because their minds were still in development and no parent would ever consider allowing this sort of testing. These unique children were able to ripe a hole into the space time continuum in 1983. This is the part of the story that things get weird. There are those who claim we made contact with aliens via one of the wormholes. Others who claim the base never officially shut down, and experiments are still conducted to this day. There are even stories that test subjects materialized something unexpected or an aggressive force came out of the wormhole and killed everyone present. Regardless of what you believe, there are scientists who claim they were brainwashed to help forget everything they worked on during these times. It is a scary thought to think our own government would kidnap children for sick tests on the potential of humans.

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5 Comments on "The Montauk Project – The Real Stranger Things"

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This sounds a bit crazy but wouldn’t doubt if it’s true. God knows what goes on that we don’t know. Scary shit


I heard about some of these but not about the Ripple in time … I guess when u have the money and resources and no one telling u what u can and can’t do , you can let ur imagination run wild


Crazy stuff but it doesn’t surprise me if the government is hiding it.


This is too weird.


The government will never say the truth about thesee events. This is all pretty insane.
