March 10, 2025

The biggest money maker in the history of boxing is Floyd Mayweather. He holds every pay-per-view record there is. He retired from boxing two years ago. However, it looks like fans will be seeing him fight again in 2020. However, it might not be in the form of combat they are expecting. UFC president Dana White said recently in an interview that he reached a handshake agreement with Floyd Mayweather to have him fight in 2020. White did not say if the fight would take place in boxing or mixed martial arts. He also did not mention any potential opponents that Floyd might face.

The fight that Floyd had with Conor McGregor was one of the biggest selling pay-per-view events in the history of boxing. It is not very likely that Floyd’s next fight will be as big as that one. However, there is the possibility that he could fight Conor again. If that happens, the PPV sales would be enormous. Dana While said that the proposed Mayweather fight would take place in late 2020. Dana said that he believes associating with the UFC will help to make his brand stronger.

There is one factor that must not be overlooked. Floyd will have his 43rd birthday next month. Therefore, it is not very likely that he will be willing to get into the ring with a very strong and dangerous opponent. Dana White knows that the fight will be a big seller no matter who Floyd fights. It will be like printing money. The details are very few and far between at this point. More info should be revealed by the summer. That is what Dana told ESPN during his interview. It should be noted that no contracts have been signed. Therefore, there is a possibility this could fall through at any time.

There are some people who think that Floyd has no intention of ever fighting again. It is a common belief among fight fans that Floyd just wants to get some publicity. He will milk this for as long as he can until he has to give some lame excuse about why a fight will not happen. It remains to be seen if that will be the case. Floyd loves to make money. However, there might not be an opponent in the UFC that will bring him the dollars that he will be hoping to earn from this fight.

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