February 23, 2025

Russia jumped into the Iran debacle when the head of Russia’s security council said Trump’s spy drone was in Iranian airspace, and the American plane behind the drone was also in Iranian airspace. Iran didn’t shoot down the plane with 35 people on board because the Iranians knew it was a John Bolton set up. Bolton wants to crush Iran and Mike Pompeo is his most unpopular vocal cheerleader, according to the Washington Post.

Bolton and Pompeo almost convinced Trump to start a military rumble with Iran. Trump knew the Bolton plan would waste 150 Iranians. He told the press the Bolton’s plan was pretty cold, so he stopped it. But the real reason is the world is against what he plans to do to Iran. The world knows Trump wants to force the Iranians to do what he wants or he’ll let Bolton have his way with them.

China’s president Xi wants to stop Trump from starting a military war with Iran. China depends on Iranian oil and so does Europe and Japan. President Xi told Putin they should join forces and have a Trump intervention at the G20 summit. The Chinese leader also met with Kim Jon Un and Prime Minister Abe before the summit in order to show Trump he’s in this self-created Iranian mess alone.

After Iran blew his spy drone apart, Trump said he would give Iran something to think about by imposing sanctions on the country’s supreme leader. But Iran foreign minister laughed at the new sanctions. He told the press Trump has a few mental screws loose. And he said Trump makes the U.S. look like a crazy bunch of warmongers.

Iran followed the nuclear treaty to the letter. Trump didn’t like the treaty Obama signed, so he pulled out and started imposing sanctions on Iran, according to the New York Times. Trump needed a distraction. The Congressional investigations and the ongoing battle over the Mueller report continue to plague Trump. He has to change the script in order to show his voter base he’s in control.

Mr. Trump continues to block Congressional attempts to let aides talk about his illegal activities in the White House and outside of the White House. He blocked Kellyanne from telling Congress why it’s okay for her to constantly violate the Hatch Act. According to the Times, Congress will subpoena her. If she still refuses to talk, she’ll take a seat next to Bill Barr on the Congressional contempt train.

Source: http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/06/white-house-advises-conway-not-to-show-for-hatch-act-hearing.html

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