January 22, 2025

On Monday, the Trump administration said that it would be closing its diplomatic office in Palestine. The reason behind the move was that the leaders had refused to indulge themselves in peace talks with Israel. One John Bolton, National Security Adviser, said that the Palestine Liberation Organization declined to be involved in peaceful steps and approaches towards a peaceful Israel. Also, word from Washington was that the case would be forwarded to the International Criminal Court. Bolton later said that the move would be taken to ensure the widening pressure by the United States against Palestinian peace projections. Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law, would formulate the plan to ensure that peace reigns in Palestine. However, Palestinian officials said that the move would curb any peace delegations between them and Israel.

They further noted that the international interruption was not necessary whatsoever. Saeb Erekat, PLO’s secretary-general said that they were informed on the move by the United States on its closure of the office. He continued to add that it was a sign that the United States was willing to forego international relations and spoil the already established system. Furthermore, the move was celebrated by Israel, as it was a clear indication by the Palestinian officials on the refusal to cooperate in the peace talks.

Bolton later sent big word against the International Criminal Court for being harsh on Israel. He then continued to warn them against approaching Israel, the United States, or even U.S. allies. Also, it would face penalties for making moves on them. However, Palestinian leaders have urged the ICC to charge Israel for its unjust treatment for Palestine. Moreover, the request to the International Criminal Court to investigate Israel was a reason behind the closure of the diplomatic embassy. Tough sanctions would be faced by Palestine if the ICC does not back off.

The United States has vowed not to allow any judge’s entry into the United States. It would also enact financial sanctions on the court or company that will assist the ICC in any investigations. Bolton continued to say that they would not cooperate with the International Criminal Court and they would not provide any aid or support whatsoever. He continued to say that they would never join the ICC and that it was dead to the people of America. Back in 2002, Bolton himself advised Kofi Annan of their distaste in the International Criminal Court.

Read More: https://www.cfr.org/blog/trump-administration-throws-down-gauntlet-icc-court-should-decline-challenge

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