March 6, 2025

In a move that was both expected and exciting, director Ryan Coogler has been confirmed to write and direct the sequel to Black Panther according to sources talking to The Hollywood Reporter. While there was never any indication that Coogler would not return to film the popular film’s sequel, nothing had been set in stone until now. Nonetheless, the runaway success of the first Black Panther ensured that Disney and Marvel Studios would have liked to have kept the original cast and crew as intact as possible for the second movie. At the time of Black Panther‘s release in February, Coogler and Marvel were both coy on the idea of the director returning to direct the next movie though that might have been to downplay any spoilers that development might have held for Marvel’s marquee effort later that Summer, Avengers: Infinity War of which the character of Black Panther and Wakanda as a whole play a major role.

Since the first film’s release, the notion of a sequel was inevitable. Black Panther grossed $700 million in the United States and $1.3 billion worldwide, making it the highest grossing solo superhero film of all time. Within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the movie trails only the Avengers films in sales (with the highest selling of those three, Infinity War, featuring the Black Panther as a major character and Wakanda as the set piece for the final battle). Black Panther stars Chadwick Boseman as T’Challa, the king and protector of the fictional nation of Wakanda, as he seeks to defend his nation’s honor and integrity against the likes of criminal mastermind Ulysses Klaue (played by Andy Serkis) and ex-black ops soldier-turned-political-extremist Erik Killmonger (played by Michael B. Jordan. The movie was a cultural touch-point, proving that America and the world at large was ready to embrace a more culturally diverse superhero blockbuster.

Currently, any developments on what the sequel would entail are in question. The fate of the main character was more or less left in flux at the end of Infinity War and will probably remain so until the fourth Avengers movie is released next year in May. Sources state Coogler plans to write the script next year with plans for production late into 2019 going into early 2020. Coogler is currently producing sequels to Space Jam and Creed and directing Wrong Answer starring Michael B. Jordan.

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