March 9, 2025

One of the biggest surprise box office hits of 2018 was the reboot of the classic “Halloween” horror movie franchise. The original film directed by John Carpenter broke the mold of traditional horror films when it came out in 1978. It quickly grossed literally millions of dollars after being produced on a shoestring budget. Many sequels followed that were not nearly as memorable or as entertaining as the original. The 2018 reboot changed the story of completely wiping out all of the events of the sequels. According to, instead of Michael Myers being on the loose killing people for all these years, it turns out that he has been locked up in a mental hospital.

The 2018 film grossed more than $250 million worldwide. That is the most money that a film in the series has made so far. Therefore, a sequel was going to be inevitable. The new movie will be called “Halloween Kills” and it will be released in November. Not much has been revealed about the story. Danny McBride wrote the previous movie and he will be writing the new one too. The actor who will portray Michael Myers in the film says that this movie is going to be even more crazy than the last one. He said there are a number of huge surprises in store for the people who go to see it.

After the massive success and overall great reviews of the previous “Halloween” film, the expectations for this sequel are very high. It remains to be seen if it will be able to live up to the hype. The reboot took what had become an old and tired formula and turned it into something new and fresh. That is not a very easy thing to do when you are dealing with a story that is literally 40 years old.

“Halloween” from 2018 is now the highest grossing slasher movie in the history of the genre. Danny McBride has said that he feels the script he has written will deliver all of the things that fans are hoping for. He has teased that people going to see “Halloween Kills” in October are in for a very wild ride. He looks forward to seeing the movie with fans and seeing the reactions on their faces. He did that with the previous movie and he enjoyed that experience. Jamie Lee Curtis will be back once again in the starring role.

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