Sleep disorders are a condition that can affect any person of any age or sex. The term “sleep disorder” describes a wide range of conditions that cause significant sleep disturbances. These disturbances include trouble falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night, and feeling unrefreshed after waking up in the morning. A sleep disorder may result from physical and emotional causes, but it can also be caused by illness or medication use (particularly over-the-counter). Sleep disorders are not dangerous by themselves, but they can lead to other health problems if left untreated. Here are some of the causes of sleep disorders:
Stress is an ever-present problem in our lives. Everyone has experienced some kind of stress, whether from a death in the family, marriage problems, job problems, or money problems. Sometimes we have lived in situations where we have had to put up with all this stress, and sometimes we have been able to handle it with patience and little difficulty. The negative effects of stress can lead to many health problems; sleep disorders are one of the most common negative effects caused by stress.
Caffeine is a stimulant found in coffee, tea, energy drinks, and soft drinks. Caffeine is very competitive in the body when activating the body’s adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are responsible for emotionality, physical and mental arousal, and stress responses. These glands also maintain a steady level of blood sugar in the body during times of stress. Caffeine also activates an area of the brain that can affect moods and feelings of stress. There are risks associated with caffeine consumption in excess, as shown by studies that show higher risks of heart disease and diabetes among those who consume large amounts of caffeine daily.
Certain illnesses can interfere with your ability to sleep properly. Illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, and pulmonary diseases may cause you to wake with frequent night-time awakenings. Colds, flu, and other infections can interrupt your sleep. The same is true for medical conditions such as Alzheimer’s Disease or Parkinson’s Disease. Other illnesses that can affect your sleep include chronic pain, arthritis, or inflammatory bowel disease (often called Crohn’s disease).
In conclusion, sleep disorders have many causes. Some people have a genetic predisposition to sleep disorders, and stress can exacerbate their symptoms. There are many treatment options available if your doctor suspects you have a sleep disorder, including medications and behavioral methods.
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