February 22, 2025

Maybe you are new to working out and are finding trouble developing fitness habits, or perhaps you have been struggling to meet your goals for quite some time and are now riddled with both frustration and doubt. Well, before you throw in the towel, consider these few common reasons as to why you might not be seeing the results of your desires, and find out how you can turn your luck around.

Your Eating Habits Haven’t Changed

As cliche as the saying is, it is true that you can’t outwork a bad diet. If you want to see improvements in your figure and overall wellbeing, you must cut out excess sugar and junk food in exchange for more nutrient-dense options.

You Are Obsessed With the Scale

The scale is only one of the many tools that can be used to track your progress. Depending on how your body responds to your new lifestyle, you might see reductions in inches or improvements in other areas of your wellbeing, things that cannot be measured on a scale. So, do yourself a favor and only weigh yourself on predetermined days. Try not to make it more than once a week. When you limit your interactions with the scale, you become less obsessed with the numbers and more connected to the journey itself.

You Haven’t Found an Exercise That You Enjoy Doing

A workout style that is unenjoyable is unsustainable. If a particular style does not satisfy you, there is only a matter of time before you will give up on it, possibly giving up on exercise for good. Fortunately, there is a seemingly endless list of training styles that you can take up at any time, allowing you the freedom to change routes whenever things get dull.

You Aren’t Consistent Enough

The thing about motivation is that it fluctuates. Sometimes you will feel like it; sometimes you won’t. But if you base your actions on your mood status, your fitness resolution will go unmet, once again. To make any real progress, you just have to show up. Show up tired. Show up unmotivated. Show up even when you don’t feel that you have much to give. In the end, consistency is the one thing that will always pay off.

Fitness is a marathon, not a race. Changes will be gradual, but they will be more than worth it. Don’t be deterred by the successes of others or become discouraged by failures. As long as you stay the course and make adjustments when necessary, your goals will continue to grow closer until they are finally conquered.

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