Sad But True
Most of the online multiplayer games now are team based meaning you rely on teammates to win. Unless you have an extensive online friends list at all times that you can party up with chances are you will end up having to team up with strangers. As much as we like to think that every gamer is perfect this is far from the truth. We have all played with certain types of gamers that completely sink the team driving them to a complete annihilation. One can only wish these types of gamers land on the opposite team. Here are the 10 types of gamers everyone hates in online multiplayer:
1. The Blamer
No matter what happens or how bad this player might be playing it is someone else’s fault. This is the gamer who floods the chat window and/or screams on the mic blaming others for losing the game. From every team fight to every death, it is never their fault.
2. The Debbie Downer
The Debbie Downer is a negative minded gamer who brings the whole energy of the team down from the start. This gamer almost feels like if they really don’t want to play the game. From the start of the game, this player will give up or say something like “this game sucks”.
3. The Experimental
This type of gamer loves to experiment with every single character class and/or skill in the game. The worst part is that they will experiment at the expense of losing the game in a ranked match. You can spot one of these gamers switching classes or characters very often.
4. The Commander
Right from the start of the game this player will take it upon himself to lead the team to victory. He will try to control every single player in the game often getting them annoyed. This player thinks he knows the winning formula for every match and will try to control others at any cost.
5. The Non-Muter
This is the type of gamer who never mutes his microphone. You hear this gamer talking to other people or loud noise in the background. You will even hear a quick bathroom break. This gamer will make it impossible to concentrate on the game.
6. The Pro
Believe it or not, this type of gamer exists but unfortunately, it will always land on the opposite team. This is the player getting the amazing kills wiping the whole team. The Pro player will lead the team to victory just with pure skill and zero bragging. This type of gamer will often be accused of hacking.
7. The Musicologist
The Musicologist is a failed DJ who wants everyone to listen to his music through the mic. This gamer will make it impossible to communicate with other teammates. Often times playing “Trace” or “Death Metal”, this gamer brings the communication down to zero.
8. The Lagger
This gamer usually resides in a third-world country where the internet connection is rather slow. You will see this player disconnect and rejoin the game multiple times in the hopes of “fixing” his connection. This gamer pretty much leaves you minus one player the entire game.
9. The Rage Quitter
It takes a combination of types of gamers to be the rage quitter. This gamer will slowly but surely build up anger throughout the game up until the ultimate sacrifice, a rage quit. Before the rage quit this player will throw multiple tantrums calling every name in the book.
10. The AFKer
This gamer happens to have joined the game before he was actually ready to play. He keeps stepping away multiple times to do other things. For some reason, he thinks that he can still multi-task and win the game at the same time. Thank goodness for AFK timed game kick outs.
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Just finsihed a game of overwatch with a commander on my team, I played bad on purpose so we can lose.
I am a mix of the pro gamer with the blamer lol….other people really suck sometimes
the picture of the debbie downer really broke my balls lol
I hate that kid just for making that face. Thats how I imagine every player online
God do I hate Debbie Downers
It ruins the whole game for everyone. Gamers tend to lose focus of why they are playing in the first place.
Nah I’m over these gamers. I just mute or ignore
Too many sore losers out there
I must be the pro player cause do not fall under any other categories
With those pair of glasses, you look like you might be the musicologist that plays house music in the background while lifting weights in between call of duty rounds
Yes I have witnessed them all. It actually kills the game for me sometimes
Welcome to my daily struggle list when playing online games. It happens to me almost in every MOBA game
Same here brother
I must admit I do fall into some of these sometimes
These players ruin the online gaming for everyone else
I actually laughed out loud because this is so true…