Many men enjoy sports and talk about their favorite teams with other men. Sports can be a great way for fathers to bond with sons. There also is a strong correlation between sports and aggression in males, as testosterone levels increase during sporting events. This is one of the reasons why some people believe that too much contact sports, such as football or boxing, may be detrimental to child development.
Men are more likely to get caught up in their favorite teams’ statistics. For example, men would understand very clearly the difference between winning with a 35-24 score and losing with a 35-32 score.
Bragging rights
Men enjoy having bragging rights over their friends. If they followed the same team, they would be able to discuss specific details of past games or future games that others might not understand. These details make them feel intelligent and superior to their friends and families.
Sports are a competition, and men love to compete against one another. They will discuss the players and teams with whom they feel they can compete regarding athletic ability. They also enjoy discussing how they would perform if they were on the same team as these players or if they were coaching their favorite team.
Many sports today involve a significant amount of acceptable violence because it is associated with what many people consider a “manly” sport, such as football or boxing. When these sports are televised, they appeal to men who like the combination of competition and violence.
Team effort
Many athletic activities require teamwork, so it is essential to men that their favorite teams remain “together.” This means that the team members should like each other, support each other, and not be involved with as much controversy as possible. It also is important to many men that the coach of their favorite team is a leader who can get along with other coaches, even if they coach opposing teams.
Many sports teams have political agendas, an issue of great concern to many men. If a team is involved with a controversial issue, such as abortion or gun control, they may get very excited because the team is fighting for something important to them. They will not feel it is fair if sports teams do not support their political ideals.
Many men prefer their sports teams to be comprised of men who are similar in physical stature, age, weight, and ethnicity. They believe it is unfair if the teams are too diverse, which is another reason they get upset with the concept of “affirmative action.”
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