Cannabis is known to be the most commonly used drug in the world after caffeine and nicotine. It can be smoked, eaten, or brewed into a tea for its medicinal benefits. No doubt, marijuana has been given a bad reputation ever since the word was coined. However, research has shown that weed is an amazing plant with many health benefits over the years.
Here are the top 6 health benefits of marijuana:
1) Pain Relief
Cannabis can be used to relieve chronic pain caused by illnesses like cancer, arthritis, and multiple sclerosis. Cannabis is also good for neuropathic pain since it lessens or blocks the pain signals in your nerves when you are hurt. Therefore, medical marijuana has been shown to reduce chronic pain along with prescription medications. It does not have any side effects like your opioid painkillers.
2) It Can Treat Depression
Marijuana has been found to reduce stress and anxiety, promote relaxation, and help you feel less depressed. It helps increase dopamine levels in the brain, which is responsible for boosting moods. Although there were no conclusive studies that prove weed can be used as antidepressants, studies have shown that patients who smoked marijuana were less depressed and anxious than those who were not using it.
3) It Increases Appetite
Cannabis is used to stimulate appetite for those with loss of appetite like cancer or HIV/AIDS patients. Since weed boosts your moods, you will feel hungry as well. Be careful not to overindulge because marijuana can also cause munchies and lead to obesity and eating disorders.
4) It Can Combat Cancer Cells
Medical bud has been found to shrink tumor cells in the body by causing them to self-destruct. Cannabis can prevent cancer from spreading throughout your body. It fights cancer by blocking the growth of new blood vessels that tumors need to grow. It can also decrease side effects from chemotherapy and radiation therapy since it relieves pain, nausea, and vomiting.
5) It Helps You Sleep Better
THC is a chemical in weed that makes you feel drowsy. This is why some people go to sleep after smoking weed. However, since chemicals stimulate your body, it will take longer for you to fall asleep. Make sure to use it during the night time so you can have quality deep sleep at night.
6) It Can Be Used as Medicine
There are many diseases, and disorders marijuana can be used to treat. It can be used to treat glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, arthritis, AIDS/HIV, migraines, and other illnesses. CBD is the chemical responsible for most of weed’s medical benefits since it reduces inflammation and pain. You can also use cannabis-infused oils that are high in CBD to help with your seizures and other conditions.
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