February 23, 2025

Judging and comparing may sometimes feel like a cruel thing to do, but it is actually how we make hundreds of different decisions every day. In fact, if we really stopped and thought about every decision we have to make each day, we probably wouldn’t even make it out the front door. Most of our decisions, however, are based on certain values that we hold. For instance, if someone considers themselves to be a died-in-the-wool true, blue patriot, they may never even consider driving anything other than an American car, no matter how many reports say other cars are better.

Making judgements and comparing things are an essential part of life, but what often makes them healthy or unhealthy are the values we hold that we make them on. Since the majority of wealth in the world is held by only a few people it stands to reason that the majority of men would not want their mating potential to be evaluated based solely on the size of their paycheck. It can be a factor, sure, but most men would not want it to be the biggest factor they want women to consider when deciding if they are “dateable” or not. The same is true of women. While women are not afraid of being evaluated based on a number of different factors, they may be tired of being evaluated solely on how “hot” they are.

The #MeToo movement seems to have been a huge eye-opener for many men, who are endeavoring to change their bad reputation. The truth is, looks alone aren’t generally what attracts a man to a woman, so it might be important to acknowledge that in various ways, such as Top 10 lists. Recently, Askmen published another Top 20 list ranging women, but instead of focusing on their physical assets, they focused on qualities that make them inspiring, leading to their “20 Most Outstanding Women Of The Year” list. While there is nothing wrong with admiring hot women, it might be time to redefine what exactly that means. After all, if you actually meet a women who is all beauty, no brains or personality, chances are good you won’t actually find her that hot. So maybe its time that Top 10 lists portray men in a slightly less shallow light. Because chances are good you aren’t actually as shallow as most Top 10 lists would make you out to be.

Read More: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/subliminal/201206/how-we-are-judged-our-appearance

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