January 22, 2025


Controversy In Recent News

There has been a lot of controversy after the speech Melania Trump delivered in Cleveland on Monday, July 18. The speech is almost identical to a speech Michelle Obama delivered in Denver on August 25th, 2008. The speech was identified and posted by a Twitter user who compared the two speeches soon after it was delivered. Since then there has been an uproar of negative comments and questions regarding the speech. Without any further ado i’ll let you Bros make your own determination.

Side By Side Video Evidence

After watching this video it’s hard to deny the fact that it’s plagiarism. It looks to me that someone tried to use the old College copy, paste then reword technique. Well, 36 hours after the controversy that someone has come up and taken the blame. Meredith McIver is a close family friend and writer for Trumps organization. Her defense and explanation for this “mistake” were pretty weak. She explained that during a phone conversation with Melania Trump she wrote down some notes as Melania read multiple passages from Michelle Obamas speech. They were trying to identify the type of tone she wanted for the infamous speech. She did not check her draft notes against the original speech. Somehow she ended up including them to what became the disastrous and controversial speech. It sure seems that someone tried to get away with plagiarism not realizing we live in a World where historical information is archived and easily accessible to viewers.

Further Copying

The copying does not stop there for Melania Trump. The aspiring first lady has been identified as also copying an outfit used by Jerry Sienfeld.

Melania Trump outfit

I am not sure if this is just designer coincidence or inspiration but the outfits look almost identical. I am sure that she will now be under the microscope for any plagiarism or copying of any kind. So far it is not looking good for Melania Trump and plagiarism does not build a good reputation among fellow Americans. Since these events, even Donald Trump himself has opened up to say “She made a mistake……we all make mistakes” about the writer. Hopefully this is the last controversy we see coming from Melania Trump since you can’t have a strong head without a strong neck.

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3 Comments on "Melania Trump Pure Plagiarism Or Honest Mistake?"

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Copy cat and admitted


JERRY wore it better and Melania is hot and the best looking first wife ever. Go Trump


Copy and Paste lol
