As the world becomes more and more Cannabis-friendly, there are calls for regulation of cannabis. Some people argue that cannabis is a dangerous drug that should be banned. Others claim that cannabis has several benefits, such as helping to relieve pain, reducing anxiety, and treating certain medical conditions. There are many arguments against the regulation of cannabis, as discussed below:
- More drug legalization will help addicts.
Opponents of cannabis legalization claim that more people voluntarily consume cannabis illegally. Thus, many do not see any impact in illegal usage. But a report from the National Drug Strategy of Australia mentions that 46 people die from overdose each year from illicit opioids or heroin (shown above). While this number is very high, deaths related to illicit cannabis have been moderated as society becomes increasingly “prodrug” (Pro for socially approved reasons; Drug for illicit reasons).
- Public health costs.
As legal cannabis becomes more and more accessible, the fear of stoned drivers will decrease. Some claim this is the root of all of the problems associated with legalization. Marijuana’s legal status will increase its visibility (open-access), and this may cause users to drive while “were high.” Opponents believe that allowing for even these limited forms of use would legitimize a drug that could be harmful in extreme amounts and some people, such as minors. Another declared public health cost due to legalization is mental health issues; middle school students who tested positive for weed at 16 were reported to have become increasingly suicidal those who tested them until they turned 18.
- Potential harms from legalization
Critics have voiced numerous concerns regarding the implications of legalizing cannabis. Recent government statements have suggested that recreational or medical marijuana could negatively impact society in many aspects: road safety, school safety [especially regarding driving while under the influence], mood disorders (from increased marijuana intake) can affect suicidal tendencies among adolescents, perception on epidemiology concerning opiate overdose death rate decline during economically unstable years (which showed a decline partially because of substance abuse trends), and potentially revealing an under-reporting [although largely unsubstantiated] of substance abuse related with illicit consumption aka drug use.
- Defying
The legalization movement has taken many unexpected turns since the advent of Prohibition (18th Amendment). The major proponents that stood by the people during their Supreme Court speeches, who were considered taboo in politics, still benefit greatly. However, the “defying” spirits seem to have been persuaded already and acknowledged that better approaches had become mandatory. The victory may have been achieved with a smaller but vocal percentage. Many great minds today are pushing for complete legalization, including prominent citizens and respected business leaders such as Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Warren Buffet, among many others.
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