Beer has been around for a long time and is one of the oldest beverages on earth. It has been used for thousands of years as a beverage and food ingredient.
Beer has existed for thousands of years as one of humanity’s oldest beverages. It was first found as an ingredient in the food but soon became accepted as a drinkable beverage.
Beer Brewing
The beer brewing process is best known for the brewing of today’s lager or pale lager. The beers made were of lower fermentation temperature, very low in alcohol content, and were highly hopped due to the beer being a standard alcoholic beverage. With these characteristics, the drink was not well received by the public; therefore, it gained no further attention until the 1800s when brewers began making beers with higher fermentation temperatures and alcohol content. It significantly improved the public perception of beer as a drinkable beverage that anyone could enjoy without fear of addiction or death. This new change in brewing created a boom in demand for quality brewed beer that is appreciated today.
Types of Beer
1. Ale
Ale is defined as a beer that is brewed using a warm fermentation temperature. It is similar to the ales brewed today but can be very different in appearance depending on how it is made. The result of this process creates a very smooth-tasting and slightly sweet beverage.
2. Lager
Lager, also referred to as pale lager, originated from the town of Pilsen, located in Bohemia (today part of the Czech Republic). It was the beer that was brewed using low temperatures for fermentation. It created a slightly bitter taste, but it eventually became one of the most popular types of beer available today.
3. Stout
Stout is a type of beer that originated in England. This beverage is typically very dark brown and has a bold, bitter taste. It was developed by the Irish, who were much more adventurous with the ingredients that they used in their beers.
Beer is part of a beverage that most people can enjoy without fear of addiction or death. For the public to begin drinking beer as a drinkable beverage, the brewer had to change the brewing process to include quality ingredients and warm fermentation temperatures. These changes led to a boom in demand for quality brewed beer that is appreciated today.
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